Other alloy castings

Other alloy castings encompass a wide range of cast metal components produced using various alloy compositions apart from copper. These castings are manufactured through processes like sand casting, investment casting, or die casting, depending on the specific requirements of the component. Common alloys used for casting include aluminum, zinc, magnesium, and nickel-based alloys, each offering unique properties such as lightweight, high strength, corrosion resistance, and heat resistance.
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Alloy precision castings

Casting process: silica sol precision casting Casting appearance standard: ASM2175 casting line dimensional tolerances: ISO8062-CT6 Executive standard for appearance quality of casting products: ASTM A997-98 Weight Tolerance: GB11351-1989 (American Standard ASTM E192) Material Type: Alloy Steel Casting weight: less than 15KG

Alloy precision castings

Casting process: silica sol precision casting Casting appearance standard: ASM2175 casting line dimensional tolerances: ISO8062-CT6 Executive standard for appearance quality of casting products: ASTM A997-98 Weight Tolerance: GB11351-1989 (American Standard ASTM E192) Material Type: Alloy Steel Casting weight: less than 15KG

Alloy precision castings

Casting process: silica sol precision casting Casting appearance standard: ASM2175 casting line dimensional tolerances: ISO8062-CT6 Executive standard for appearance quality of casting products: ASTM A997-98 Weight Tolerance: GB11351-1989 (American Standard ASTM E192) Material Type: Alloy Steel Casting weight: less than 15KG

Alloy precision castings

Casting process: silica sol precision casting Casting appearance standard: ASM2175 casting line dimensional tolerances: ISO8062-CT6 Executive standard for appearance quality of casting products: ASTM A997-98 Weight Tolerance: GB11351-1989 (American Standard ASTM E192) Material Type: Alloy Steel Casting weight: less than 15KG

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